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Government Focus Session

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Join the Government and Non-Profit Focus Session to hear from Attorney Generals Department, Services Australia, & Australian Taxation Office about what it's like to work for the internal legal teams of a government or non-profit organisation and how to land a job.

Event Details

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 2:00pm
Thu 15 Apr 2021, 2:30pm
Time Zone

Missed this webinar? No problem, you can watch the recording below.

Government and Non-Profit Panelists

Government Focus Session LCSF21

Read below to get to know your panelists!

Alexandra Nielsen

Services Australia Legal Graduate

Alexandra graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology with Bachelor of Laws from Macquarie University. She is a legal graduate on her 3rd rotation in the Business Transformation Legal Team. Prior to this, Alexandra completed rotations in the Agency’s Employment Law and Freedom of Information teams. She has really enjoyed each rotation and considers that it has been a fabulous opportunity to try different arears of the law, learn more about the work of Services Australia and also to develop different legal skills.

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Mark Overell

Australian Taxation Office, Program Manager

I’ve been recruiting growing and developing graduates to become leaders at the ATO for almost 15 years. Seeing some of my former graduates now working as Assistant Commissioners and Directors is extremely rewarding and testament to what an amazing career you can have with the ATO.

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