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7-Eleven Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees


Retail Leadership Graduate at 7-Eleven Australia

Bachelor of Commerce at University of Melbourne

Currently, I’m in the Operations department, training to be a Retail Business Manager (RBM).

Hope studied a Bachelor of Commerce at The University of Melbourne in 2016, and is now a Retail Leadership Graduate at 7-Eleven Australia.

6.00 AM

I down my first espresso for the day before heading to the gym in my building.

6.30 AM

Bootcamp time! My fellow trainers and I complete a few rounds of a circuit and leave drenched but energised.

7 Eleven Hope 1

7.00 AM

Get ready for work. Currently, I’m in the Operations department, training to be a Retail Business Manager (RBM). In this role we wear uniforms. This saves me time so I’m out of the building and in my company car within no time.

8.00 AM

Arrive at the Mt Waverley office. I grab a free coffee from the canteen before sitting down to open my emails and look over my calendar. Today I will be checking in with my line manager, meeting the new head of the property department and visiting a store in Victoria’s north. I spend the next twenty minutes or so preparing for a meeting with the new Head of Property. I am hoping to be placed in this department after my grad program ends so this is a critical meeting for me.

8.30 AM

Line manager catch up. My line manager and I discuss my week so far, what I have learned and what I will need to focus on in the coming week. I also pick up a new project around the store takeover process. It will focus on the tools we can use to rapidly improve the performance of acquired stores. My line manager asked me to consider how I might best approach this task and to discuss this with him soon.

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9.00 AM

The meeting commences. I meet the department head at a nearby café and we discuss the future requirements of the business, my skills and interests in the department. The meeting goes well and we decide to reconvene in a week.

10.15 AM

Time for more coffee. I pop over to the neighbouring Starbucks head office, which is another business in the 7-Eleven “Group”. I say hello to my wonderful previous manager who oversaw my Starbucks rotation. Somehow, this turns into an impromptu coffee tasting.

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10.30 AM

Travel to store. I don’t have time to visit my other friends in the office. I make a mental note to book a lunch with some of them for next week. I jump into the car and head towards one of the Inner North stores in my district. This particular store is about to change over from Corporate ownership to Franchisee ownership. The usual RBM and I are there to facilitate the upcoming handover.

11.30 AM

Arrive at the store. Given that our stores are so widely dispersed throughout the state(s), driving is a large component of our days as RBMs. I catch up on some podcasts throughout the drive. Once I arrive at the store, it’s a flurry of activity. On-site are the current corporate store manager, store staff, a trainer and the incoming franchisees. I say hello to everyone and ascertain the plan for the afternoon. The new franchisees are settling in well and it’s really exciting to be there helping them at the beginning of their 7-Eleven journey.

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12.00 PM

Store walk. My first task for this store is to complete a “store walk”, which captures the presentation and condition of the store. I move through the forecourt and the store checking equipment for cleanliness and any damage. Where action is required, I take note of this using a program called Compliantia so that our corporate store manager can address the issue. This store does a lot of trade and so there are a few things that will need to be resolved before handover.

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12.45 PM

Lunch on the go. The RBM and I buy lunch in the store and eat in the store office. Luckily 7-Eleven is focusing on introducing healthier options so we don’t feel too guilty about eating our products.

1.00 PM

Overhaul the office space. The usual RBM has been in store since early this morning and so he has conducted the usual performance meeting already. So this afternoon we going to overhaul the office which is currently too small and poorly configured to be used effectively, particularly for anything involving cash. We move some of the computer equipment to free up desk space and file away outstanding documents.

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2.30 PM

At this point, we need to duck off for some office supplies. Once we return we finish the office and direct staff to count their tills in the newly created office space, under the CCTV which we expect will improve cash control risks.

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4.00 PM

Visit recap. The RBM and I discuss the visit and I ask any outstanding questions. I try to avoid the lure of the Ben and Jerry’s fridge on my way out.

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4.30 PM

Time to head home. I head home. I arrive about 5.30 PM and do laundry, dishes and some other personal admin. I’m sure my fellow grads are out and about letting off some steam but I’m almost thirty and my interests are more horizontal!

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9.00 PM

Almost bedtime. I check my calendar for the day ahead before setting various alarms and going to bed, ready for another big day.