Updating Results

Adobe Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Audrey Yeo

Digital Media Sales Intern at Adobe Australia

Bachelor of Commerce at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

We have a weekly sync with our external marketing who helps partners with marketing activities. We also work very closely with the team at our distributor which is an extension of our team. We discuss upcoming events and strategies for the next few months and any further updates.

8.20 AM

Heading out the door! My commute to the office is pretty quick and I normally come into the office a few times a week to join my team and other interns. When I’m working from home, I’m definitely someone who wakes up at 8:55am, right before work so it’s great to get a mix of both.

9.00 AM (-ish!)

My days tend to consist of quite a few meetings, so I use the first part of the day to organise my inbox and get ready for the day. Working in sales, I aim for “inbox zero” to keep on top of important emails. I also utilise the free coffee and snacks offered in the office, since I’m sometimes in a rush out the door.

9.30 AM

First meeting of the day! My manager and I have quick syncs throughout the week to catch up as well as set our one-on-one meeting each week. Today we’re reviewing survey questions to engage some of our partners who I’ll be calling throughout the next week. We’re also organising a social event for the wider team, so we confirmed details and set action items.

10.30 AM

We have a weekly sync with our external marketing who helps partners with marketing activities. We also work very closely with the team at our distributor which is an extension of our team. We discuss upcoming events and strategies for the next few months and any further updates.


11.00 AM

As part of Adobe’s Reconciliation Action Plan, we welcomed Nooky and the team from We Are Warriors to increase our involvement and awareness around the topic. It was awesome to hear the great things that Nooky and the We Are Warriors team are doing in such a candid and open environment. The Diversity and Inclusion, and Sydney team have events quite often in the office and online to engage employees.


1.00 PM

Off to visit a partner! My role largely focuses on our partners – one of which was having a “Blitz” day where they spend time only calling prospective Adobe customers. My manager and I visited their office to help answer questions and meet with the team. We also headed to The Grounds of Alexandria for a cheeky snack and drink after visiting our partner.

5.00 PM
Time to head off for the day! After work, I usually either head to the gym or out for dinner with friends. Working in the city means I’m always close to great food and drink spots!