Product Marketing Intern at Adobe Australia
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
7.00 AM
I wake up early and usually follow a standard routine when heading into Adobe Office. I like to ensure I eat a sufficient breakfast that keeps me fueled throughout the day, primarily consisting of a large fruit salad and toast. Before I leave home, I make sure my laptop is charged and packed into my backpack. I also ensure I have my ID and other stationery items required for the day. Since the beginning of the internship, Sydney mornings have become colder, so I bring my Adobe jacket to keep me warm.
8.00 AM
It is a short but hilly stroll to the train station from my house. I quickly walk to the station and hop on to a train that takes me towards the city. The train carriages are warm and filled with passengers heading to work. On the train ride to town, I like to get up to speed on my emails and listen to music to keep me entertained. Occasionally, I listen to podcasts about the business world and keep up to date with the news across the globe.
8.45 AM
Once I arrive at Town Hall, I assemble with my fellow interns for our morning coffees and chats. We then proceed upstairs to the office and prepare for the day's work. Some interns prefer to sit and work with their respective teams, but most of us sit and work together in a common area on Level 23.
9.00 AM
In the office, the first action I take is to list my priorities for the day. I achieve this by scanning my calendar for meetings and reading my emails for any tasks that require immediate attention. I also converse with my mentor to review my progress on my project and create a plan of action on what needs to be completed next. I spend most days working on my intern project, which involves conducting market research and finding new insights within the APAC region. The project I am working on will have a positive impact on our sales teams by assisting them in being more competitive in the market.
11.00 AM
In addition to working on my project, Adobe organizes regular career development sessions and deep dives into the business. The career development sessions are insightful and have offered me a range of perspectives as I start the beginning of my working career. In these sessions, topics such as personal branding are discussed by professionals within the Adobe organization. These presentations are engaging as we are encouraged to participate and reflect upon our career journeys. Moreover, the interns are invited to sessions with managers to learn about the different business units at Adobe. These sessions are fascinating as we learn more about the business and how key individuals have grown throughout their professional careers.
1.00 PM
The interns and graduates tend to have lunch together in the kitchen at lunch. On Thursdays, Adobe staff is given a catered lunch by the Site Council (a perk of working at Adobe) that is fresh and delicious. We indulge in a range of cuisines while enjoying each other's company. This is a tremendous benefit of working at a world-class organization that cares for its employees.
5.00 PM
After work as an Adobe intern is equally as exciting! The intern cohort regularly goes out for dinner together. This provides us with an opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level and have some fun together. My highlight so far has been our Korean BBQ night, where I was able to try new foods and grow my food pallet. The night was filled with laughs and good vibes all around.