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Adobe Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Lauren Rice

ANZ Marketing Specialist – Digital Media B2B at Adobe Australia

Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) at Macquarie University

A big part of my role is working with our Adobe Customer Solutions team which involves organising and executing Marketing campaigns for Australia and New Zealand.

6.00 AM

I’m awake! Well kind of... I get up early at my house in Enmore, grab a coffee, and head to 12RNDS boxing gym in Newtown. I find starting my morning with intense physical exercise sets the tone for the day, allowing me to feel energized and more productive (coffee also helps!).

7.00 AM

Once I return home from the gym, I take my Staffy x Lab for a 5km run because if I don’t, he’ll make sure I know about it! 

8.00 AM

Breakfast time! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have another coffee. Usually, at this time I would be walking to Newtown station to begin my daily commute to work which takes approximately 20 minutes however due to the inevitable, I have been working from home for the majority of the year, which is not too bad because now, it only takes me 1 minute to get to my office!

8.30 AM

I begin work most days at 8:30 AM, allowing myself 30 minutes to check my emails/calendar and review my OneNote to-do list. My manager and I use OneNote as a central point for all necessary information and actions, so we are up to date. This half-hour is important as I work with Adobe employees who are based in India, the USA, and Singapore, and due to the time difference, they send emails when I’ve clocked off for the day, so my inbox is generally full when I check it in the morning.

9.00 AM

My manager and I generally have an hour of catch-up to run through our OneNote, reviewing priorities and actions for the day. This is a very useful tool to keep tabs on what is occurring across our workstreams and to ensure we are both accountable for our deliverables. This has been pivotal for me due to not having the ability to reach over in the office and quickly discuss anything. It also been a great way to regularly connect and get to know each other.

10.00 AM

On to the next meeting... A big part of my role is working with our Adobe Customer Solutions team which involves organizing and executing Marketing campaigns for Australia and New Zealand. Due to the high capacity, I must regularly meet up with them to make sure we are on track, and they have everything they need from me which includes a contacts list and campaign assets. We use a platform called Workfront which allows me to upload and review the status of each campaign we have/plan to execute.

11.00 AM

In my role, I am fortunate enough to work with incredible external agencies. Each Tuesday I catch up with the team as well as our distributing partner to brief, develop, discuss and get updates on all the campaign activities we are running with them, which is A LOT. I have found this part very rewarding as I can have the opportunity to manage a small team and also, get insight into sales functions and processes.

12.00 PM

By this time, I am ravenous. I make a conscious effort throughout the day to block out an hour for lunch. Working from home can often subconsciously make people eat at their desks or not take the designated time away from work, so taking that time away to relax and eat is important. During my lunch break, I took my dog for another quick walk to the park, played some fetch, and enjoyed the sunshine!

1.00 PM

After completing a few more tasks on my to-do lists which included planning for Q4 marketing development activities, I attended a meeting with the Senior Partner Sales Manager for ANZ. A large proportion of my role includes working closely with various people and partners to execute activities across ANZ, these include in-person/online events, Telecommunications, and digital marketing activities. In this meeting, we update our Spend & Return and lead report spreadsheet, so we can track how our activities and partners are traveling.

1.30 PM

One of the best things I’ve learned about Adobe is it strives for connectedness. Today, APAC organised a virtual event called ‘Unplug & Play” which allowed us to set aside a couple of hours to invest in self-development and promote team engagement, have team recognition, and celebratory moments. This event consisted of 45 employees. We got to dress up as ‘superheroes’ and engage in virtual games for example escape rooms. Being relatively new to the company and not having that face-to-face contact, I value these team activities as I can connect and get to know Adobe employees across APAC. Another plus is that we got some delicious snacks too, YUM!

4.00 PM

After the virtual event, I catch up with the Distribution & Annuity Manager for ANZ. In this meeting, we discussed exciting ways to engage with our partners. We worked through our plans for an upcoming webinar which includes organizing content and deciding on our target audience. Another discussion revolved around how we can keep our partners and customers engaged through innovative virtual ways.

5.30 PM

Around this time, I start to wrap up my day and check my calendar for tomorrow. I make sure to update my OneNote with my manager before tomorrow as this always helps clear my head for the next day ahead.

5.31 PM (get it, because I’m 1 minute away from home)

Once out of the office, I cook dinner and unwind by playing with my dog, watching MasterChef, having a cheeky glass of wine, and FaceTiming my friends!