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Adobe Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Renee Kalina

Sales Growth Intern at Adobe Australia

Bachelor of Commerce at Macquarie University

Today my main goal is to research and gather information for a potential client in New Zealand. This can include anything from analysing their ecosystem or identifying their strategic priorities based on research and knowledge or reviewing their company background.

7:00 AM

I would love to say that I jump out of bed as soon as my first alarm goes off…however, that’s not quite the truth. My morning usually consists of me hitting snooze on four alarms to make sure I don’t miss my 7:00 am gym class. I found that I am more inclined to go to the gym before work, rather than later as it sets a positive tone for the upcoming workday.

8.45 AM

My bus arrives at Lang Park, and I make my way down to Darling Square where I am looking forward to my morning coffee. When working from the office I always find it a good opportunity to connect with the other interns and grab a coffee downstairs.

9.30 AM

I started the morning by logging onto my weekly 1:1 meeting with my manager and project manager. I come prepared to both meetings having written out my triumphs and struggles for the previous week and mentioning the steps involved in solving the problem. I find this is a great way to display my progress with my assigned work and it helps to keep me on track with identifying high-priority tasks. As my team is based in New Zealand, every morning I open my computer to a lot of emails and flag the ones that require immediate action.

10.30 AM

Today the grad and intern cohort met in the kitchen for a catered morning tea, where we enjoyed a break from work and caught up with people outside our team and division.

11.30 AM

At the beginning of my internship, I was assigned a buddy! My buddy and I catch up at least once a week to help with any questions I may have. Over the past few weeks, my buddy has taught me about the applications that fall under the Adobe Experience Platform. Today, we walked through Adobe Target and I was shown a previous client pitch.

12:30 PM

My favourite time of the day! Today we went downstairs to Stacked – a sandwich and salad bar with my friends from Adobe. To our surprise, we find a table in the central garden and enjoyed lunch sitting outside in the sunny weather.

1.30 PM

I now have time to prioritise my tasks and start working away at my to-do list. Today my main goal is to research and gather information for a potential client in New Zealand. This can include anything from analysing their ecosystem or identifying their strategic priorities based on research and knowledge or reviewing their company background.

3.00 PM

It’s nearly the end of the day and to avoid an afternoon crash, I head to the kitchen to make myself a coffee and grab a snack. When returning to my desk I check in with the progress of my to-do list and depending on the day I reallocate my time to start another task, or I dive straight back into my previous work.

5.00 PM

Just before 5:00 PM, I update my to-do list to make sure that I know what to prioritise for tomorrow. We are lucky enough to witness some of the best sunsets…and that’s when I know it’s the home time!