There have been a lot of promotions happening whilst I have been completing my internship at the FMA so promotions in the company are quite frequent. They have some great support programs and will pay for people to study a gain an additional qualification which is a nice incentive.
Intern, Auckland - 30 Jan 2024
Us interns have been told that we will be told whether we are being offered a graduate role 1-2 weeks after we finish which is very promising as it means we do not need to go through the whole interview process again.
Intern, Wellington - 30 Jan 2024
The graduate program is currently in development. However, I can see that there are twice yearly promotions from among the team so I can see that is great.
Intern, Auckland - 30 Jan 2024
As an intern I don't have any experience with what it takes to move up the ranks. I am hoping for the opportunity to get a graduate role, which I guess is technically a promotion.
Intern, Wellington - 29 Jan 2024
I think staff at FMA are supported in their career development. I am unsure what exactly FMA staff are required to do to move up the ranks of FMA. It seems like there are lots of opportunities for horizontal growth as well as vertical growth (e.g. secondments) which seems very positive.
Intern, Wellington - 29 Jan 2024