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Mohamed Ali

Project Officer Graduate at Landgate

Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University

The flexible starting and end times mean that I can generally start at a time that’s good for me.

5.30 AM

I’m a light sleeper so I’m up as soon as the alarm goes off. I dread the feeling of rushing in the morning, so I always like to get up a bit earlier so I can take my time getting ready for work. After my morning routine – I go to make breakfast – usually cereal or Weet-Bix and some fruit.

7.00 AM

I’m currently enrolled in a Udemy course in order to learn more about SQL and I take this time each morning to listen to a few lectures and utilize the resources available.

8.00 AM

The flexible starting and end times mean that I can generally start at a time that’s good for me. I usually head out to work around this time and sometimes drop my siblings at school on the way.    

Drive to the office

8.30 AM

I arrive at work – being based outside the Perth CBD is a huge benefit as it allows you to avoid most of the traffic and get free parking. Since I’m in before 8.30 AM most days – I have no problem finding my preferred parking spot.

Parking lot

9.00 AM

Once I’m in the office I’ll say hi to the team and check my emails. I’ve started my first rotation of the Graduate Program in the Performance Improvement team at Landgate. The thing I most enjoy about this team is that it’s Project based giving you the chance to get exposure to and get involved in several projects across the organisation.

9.30 AM

The current project that I’m working on is concerned with revising Landgate’s Intellectual Property (IP) Framework. An important milestone in the project is the creation of a register that consolidates all of Landgate’s IP. In preparation for the project we undertake the task of identifying and capturing all IP across the business. This involves contacting all the general managers and asking them for key contacts within their team who are responsible for managing IP. The goal is to liaise with as many of the key contacts prior to the Easter break and before even more staff start working from home due to the ongoing global pandemic.

11.00 AM

After I’ve prepared all the documentation and have gathered the required inputs – I start working on my teams SharePoint move. Landgate is moving towards a more collaborative working environment, which is great because it means we move away from having to rely on old legacy systems. I’m tasked with ensuring the collaborative environment for my immediate and related teams is easy to navigate and understand. I do some research and gather examples of how others have managed to display their SharePoint team sites and hubs. Then I start on drafting a design for the SharePoint Hub.

A young professional at his office desk.

12.30 PM

I head out to lunch – I always prefer eating outside because of the fresh air, scenery and Vitamin D but today it’s inside as it’s a bit chilly outside. Generally, I have lunch with the other grads – we have an agreed upon time where if we’re free we can come down. It’s great being able to talk to people you share a similar journey with and can discuss the hurdles and wins along the way.

Colleagues having lunch

1.00 PM

After lunch, I’m at my manager's desk and ask her to review the draft Share Point Hub that I’ve designed. We review the document together and she advises me of any changes required. After I’ve made the changes, I’m given the green light to organise SharePoint according to the new design. I start implementing the changes on the live SharePoint hub and once done – email my manager for any feedback.

2.00 PM

At this point, I’m approached by a team member who requests my assistance on a few reports that they’re working on. We quickly grab a meeting room that’s free and discuss how I can help. My coworker is undertaking the task of revamping several reports that are reviewed by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). I realise that I’ll be mainly sorting through data, fixing formula errors and making sure that data is flowing through correctly to the graphs and charts. 

3.00 PM

Before I head off to a Project Board meeting, I quickly familiarise myself with the purpose of the meeting and read through the documents provided. The current meeting is concerned with addressing the appropriation project within the Corporate Cost Model Program. The appropriation project is focused on ‘justifying’ the operational activities at Landgate and is often referred to as an operational subsidy. During the meeting I take notes so that the Project Board - some of whom are senior leaders can be kept informed about the progress of the project. 

4.00 PM

I quickly write up my notes in an easy to read format and expand on some of the main points I’ve listed. Afterward I send out the meeting minutes to the Project Manager for review who will then sends them out to the Project Board. Unless there’s anything urgent that my manager needs me to do, I pack up my things, turn off my laptop and head on home.

A young professional walking out the office

5.00 PM

As soon as I’m home I get ready for a game at the local basketball court. I usually play social basketball with a group of friends but in light of the recent global pandemic, recreation centers have been closed. Fortunately, I have a younger brother who makes a fairly decent opponent and we head to the local park which has a half court. After I’m back home I have dinner and see what’s been happening on social media or catch up on some Netflix. Then I start a game with my siblings – often a brain teaser of some sort. As usual we lose track of time and its bedtime. I iron my shirt and prepare my lunch for tomorrow before going to sleep.

basketball court