Landgate does an annual Tree Planting event and has recycling bins outside every kitchen.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jun 2020
There are paper bins and recycle bins. There is also a movement to go paperless. We are also advised to turn our computers off at the end of the working day.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
With 90% of all emails we get, we always get notified to think twice before printing the email. There are also recycling bins for us to use. I clearly see efforts from Landgate in reducing their environmental footprint.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
From what I have experienced it is something that effort is put towards. For example there was a Move It Project to consolidate smaller staff numbers into a smaller area of the building to conserve energy. Some employees have a reminder on their email signature to consider the environment before printing. There are also recycling bins throughout the office.
Graduate, Perth - 10 May 2019
The company has just about completed a large project in amalgamating all staff to a more compressed area of the building to save energy as originally this building houses 1500 staff, and in recent years (the last 10ish) the number has been reduced to 400.
Graduate, Perth - 09 May 2019