Company culture is fantastic! Within my team, we have social gatherings outside of work. The partner is considerate of my professional and personal well-being and the team works cohesively to achieve its goals
Midlevel, Melbourne - 15 Apr 2021
The structure at NRF is nation based. For example, most national firms have a Managing Partner in each office. Where NRF have one Managing Partner for all of Australia. Some of the teams are very social and are willing to do lunches / dinners / after work drinks etc. But, not all teams are like this. Understandably, some employees have a lot of outside commitments which ultimate interfere with socialising amongst other colleagues. But, that is normal.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Apr 2021
The company's culture is one of the main reasons I chose to come here. Everyone is friendly and up for a chat from corporate services and young lawyers right up to the most senior partners. Different teams interact constantly which makes work incredibly interesting.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Apr 2021
The firm has a very friendly and supportive culture. Partners are very approachable and willing to answer any questions I have.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Apr 2021
I find the culture to be better than what I know of other firms. I know a lot of coworkers are quite close and socialize outside of work. However I do feel that some partners are a bit out of touch.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Apr 2021
Hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork is very team dependent. My team is very friendly, colleagues socialize, is not very hierarchical. The work also involves a lot of teamwork.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Apr 2021
The culture is great. Our graduate cohort meets regularly outside of the office by choice. There are heaps of committees which regularly run social and charitable events. As graduates, we constantly have contact with lawyers across all levels of hierarchy, both professionally and socially.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Apr 2021
Monthly drinks are fun, the firm has multiple initiatives that help bring us all together. Perhaps more things could be organised, for example sport teams but coming out of lock down it probably needs to pick back up
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2021
There is certainly a pressure for graduates to attend all events
Graduate, Perth - 09 Apr 2021
My colleagues are really approachable and socialise well. Long hours seem to be dependent on the team you are in and the workload but in some teams, there can be some pressure to be a workaholic.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Apr 2021
At least within my team, my colleagues act and treat me with the same respect both in the office and after hours. All team members, whether at a partner or associate level work together, there is no hostility and you can tell all colleague's views are respected
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Apr 2021
Culture is fantastic. Everyone is approachable and down to earth - no pretentiousness. Structure is fairly typical with varying levels of seniority which mostly depends on the team you're in.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2021