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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Santos

7.7 rating for Workplace, based on 23 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
On the Brisbane river with great views, open planned. Onsite gym and bike box. Smart-casual dress code.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Oct 2023
No coffee machine.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
Office space, location and facilities are in line with expectations from other companies - however, lockers at end of trip facilities are always difficult to acquire. Dress code is standard, and casual dress on Friday's is in line with most other operators.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
It's an open space and people are expected to always engage and keep the environment stress free.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
No coffee provided in offices for employees Dress code is business attire with "casual Fridays"
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Oct 2023
Office is nice, gym and GP services are very good.
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Oct 2023
The office space is practical and well set out. The location is amazing (right in the middle of the CBD). The facilities are okay, we have nice end of stay facilities, lobby and kitchen areas. The company that owns the building also aways puts on fun activations. The dress code is pretty standard, just business casual Monday to Thursday and casual on Fridays.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Oct 2023
General office business attire, current desk plenty of sunlight good conditions and facilities available
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
All Santo's offices in PNG are quite decent. However, I would opt for individual offices for those employees with higher positions not just big bosses and managers and I would also make suggestions for new office equipments especially electronic items. Dress Code is exceptional all year round. More merch should be made available to its employees.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
The office space is fancy. Last year I was finishing my university degree in very old and untidy engineering classrooms which students wouldn't treat the best, so it was a big change. The kitchens have all the facilities I need, but I don't drink coffee and am aware that some others would prefer automatic coffee machines... and free hot chocolates every morning would have been nice. The dress code is more formal that I've seen in other companies, but I'm happy with it.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
No complaint about the company office and there's a large gym available to employees. Dress code is normal business attire (collared shirt + chinos/dress pants)
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
The offices space is sub-par, but it gets the job done. A nicer office space would make it nicer to come to work. The location is good, being somewhat central in the CBD, and having a nice view of the river (on the upper levels). The facilities are lacking by today's standards. The facilities would benefit from things like freezers in the kitchen, better array of snacks in the tea points, better gym equipment and sit/stand desks as standard.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Office location in Perth central city, close to the train station and bus stops. Facilities-wise, have not used end-of-trip facilities, however, would be interested to see how it's set-up as this may allow me to change mode of transport to work (e.g., cycle). Office space, have my own desk, semi-private (dividing wall between the opposite person, minimises distraction). Dress code quite casual - still expected level of professionalism and appropriate clothing, however, can get away wearing for example sneakers during the work week.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Oct 2023
Office is very nice/newly renovated/good facilities. Dress code is fine.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
In production we are expected to wear the supplied uniform which I think is great. The floor I work on has screens covering all of the windows, hence reducing natural light and restricting the view. This is also not ideal as you can feel the screens radiating heat.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Good office space. Open dress code to accommodate for all types of people
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Company offices are modern and have all the necessary equipment needed to perform my role. Buildings are in good locations in the Brisbane and Adelaide cities, haven't been to other offices. The dress code is fairly relaxed: standard city based business attire with casual dress Fridays.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
The office environment can be characterized as average. Acquiring a standing desk, given the abundance of research supporting their health benefits, should ideally be a straightforward endeavour.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Yeah, I mean it does alright. It would be nice to have a coffee machine that you don't need pods for. They have kind of the bare minimum but like that does alright. The dress code isn't great on my floor because you have to wear the uniform (logo shirt) everyday.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Office facilities are great, particularly the end of trip, standing desks, general cleanliness, light/bright space etc. Dress code is relatively informal which I love, it means that people don't have to feel pressured to look a certain way and can turn up to work feeling comfortable. People can use common sense to dress more formally as required e.g. for an important meeting or presentation.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023