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How to answer tricky interview questions: why do you want to work at this company?

Shaun Gold

Entrepreneur / Author / Speaker
How do you answer this question and actually wow your interviewer? This is exactly what this article will answer.

Getting a job is never simple, especially in competitive industries. While it may be exciting to hear back from your dream company, the interview process is what will make or break you. Ultimately, the interview determines if you will actually get the job. One of the trickiest questions to answer during the interview is also one of the most important:

Why do you want to work at this company?

Retro Relapse: Business Assholes, Volume 3: Time Wasters | Talking Pulp

You will be tempted to answer with the first things that pop into your head.

The salary (get money!).

The benefits (you had me at health care).

The company culture (free food Fridays)

Or the fact that you simply need a job (the rent’s due on the 1st, no exceptions).

But answering this question is never that simple. So how do you answer this question and actually wow your interviewer? This is exactly what this article will answer.

What is the interviewer really asking?

“What interviewers are looking for when they ask that question is the depth of thinking and seriousness a candidate has about working at this company.”-Jeff Hyman, CEO of Recruit Rockstars to CNBC Make It.

Job openings receive hundreds, if not thousands, of responses. The interviewer will no doubt be attempting to see if you are truly interested in this role or if this was just another job in the dozens you applied for. This is why more and more job applications require applicants to not only include a resume and a LinkedIn profile, but answer a variety of questions to even be considered. As the world gets more and more competitive, companies want people who will truly add value and be one hundred percent committed, not simply show up and collect a check.

Joel Schwartzberg, writing for the Harvard Business Review stated it best:

“Why do you want to work here?” requires you to focus on a specific answer without any clues, contexts, or prompting from the interviewer. It’s a blank space — but that doesn’t mean you can wing it and fill it with just anything.”

So, if you are this person who loves the company and will be perfect for the role, read on as you will already have an advantage over the many other applicants who will also be applying.

Crafting a strong response

First and foremost, you should know the company inside and out. Go the extra mile and research the company. What has it accomplished recently? What did it do right? Why does it excite you to be a part of their corporate journey? Their corporate culture? The mission and vision? By doing your own due diligence, you will be providing clear and concise answers, not vague and simple responses.

For example, you shouldn’t say you want to work at Facebook because you use it every day. You want to work at Facebook because you spent years using the product and see where it failed you, where it exceeded your expectations, where it changed your life, and how you have ideas that you can pitch to improve the overall user experience.

Secondly, you should have a personal connection to the company and what they offer. If they have a habit of social impact or contributing to ESG goals and that aligns with your personal mentality and beliefs, make sure to mention that. Many companies are committed to various causes so you can easily discover if these values align with your own.

Third, explain why you would enjoy the responsibilities and challenges of the role. Any job you take is going to take up a large amount of your time. If you truly think you will enjoy this role, despite the hours and challenges, it will give you the advantage over other candidates who want to show up and do the bare minimum.

Fourth, explain how you can see yourself succeeding in the role. This is the time to bring up your strengths and your previous work experience that can add value. You need to realize that companies are not only hiring you, but are investing in you.

Fifth, explain the impact you would have by being hired for the role. Indicate that with you on their team, you could truly make a difference not only for your coworkers, but for the company at large. Showcase the impact that you personally can have in helping the company reach its strategic goals. Be sure to emphasize what you have to offer and how you personally would fit into the company’s mission.

Finally, this question allows you to truly connect with the person interviewing you. You can get to know them, address the pain points that the interviewer and the company are facing, show off your talent and expertise, and truly prove that it would be in their best interest to hire you and be proud to do so.

Why do you want to work at this company?

Below is a sample response to this question. Realize that no two companies are the same so you need to do your own research on the role and the company you are applying to work for.

“When I first came across this listing, I knew I had to apply. While I wasn’t too familiar with the company at first, the role was something that excited me. Sales is something I have previous experience with, going back to my high school years (where I spent my weekends working alongside those who were twice my age). I know I could make a real impact if given the chance. As I researched into your company, I really was impressed by your commitment to providing food for those in need and in food impoverished communities. This is something that is personally meaningful to me and the prospect of being part of an organization that cares is something that would truly motivate me.”

Realize that the more specific you are, the better. Specifics and details matter, especially backed by genuine merit and passion. Alternatively, if you are vague and generic, the interviewer will be able to pick up on this. Don’t make this mistake.

Don’t say this

Whatever you do, don’t give answers that won’t be well received. You want the job, not a rejection letter that wishes you good fortune in your search for your next role. With that being said, don’t let the following answers creep in to your response:

  • You missed out on the job you wanted so this is your fallback choice.
  • You like the compensation.
  • You want the title to impress your followers.
  • You want the perks.
  • You want to work at a particular location (walking distance to your apartment is the key selling point).
  • You like unlimited vacation.

Don’t be that applicant, please!


Understand that when a company is looking to hire for a role, they are essentially looking to an applicant to solve a problem. “Why do you want to work here?” is not only a question that needs to be answered in a way in which you can solve their problem, but it is also an opportunity for you to demonstrate your skills, knowledge and passion. By showcasing what you can offer and demonstrating a real interest in the company, you can solve that problem and play a key role for years to come.