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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 16 items

  • Graduate stories
I chose Risk Assurance as I wanted a role in a company that I knew would be on top of current trends and challenges in technology and in the work they do.

Bella Colbran

  • Graduate stories
Forensics consulting can open many pathways in both the consulting and financial crime space.

Brian Liu

  • Graduate stories
The undoubted highlight of the Career Compass Program is having the opportunity to speak with a diverse group of people who were so passionate about their roles but the EY organisation.

Caitlan Howle

  • Graduate stories
Having the opportunity to work on different projects and with other teams really keeps the work interesting and presents lots of great learning opportunities.

Catherine Ma

  • Day in the life

Evgenii Aleshin

I have been so lucky that all the team have been very accommodating with my questions and have taught me everything I need to know.
  • Graduate stories
As a graduate you need to be open to learning a lot of new things and trying things even if you don’t think you will enjoy them.

Jade Doyle

  • Day in the life

Jeffrey Gao

As an engineer, I like to critically analyze the designs and the plan we execute on the ground, whether it is the drill and blast designs or the mining method the excavator is executing.
  • Graduate stories
The key to my current role as demand planner is a combination of hard work, dynamic decision making, and communication. These skills, although natural to some, can be learnt and I would encourage anyone to give it a go.

Karl Berzins