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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Julianne Hsu

Julianne Hsu graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Bachelor of Science (Distinction), Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons) at the University of New South Wales and is now a Graduate at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  • Graduate stories
Through the experience of working on a wide range of tasks, I am able to gain a wider range of knowledge and form a bigger picture of the business.

Mary Li

  • Graduate stories
The culture of mentorship at Morgan Stanley is unparalleled, and experienced investment professionals sitting around you will provide constant support and guidance.

Michael Shao

  • Graduate stories
I’ve always had an interest in technology and ever since I changed my major to information systems, I’ve been exposed to different types of work that the field offers.

Michelle Soegijantho

  • Graduate stories
In my first 2 months I had the opportunity to be a part of a social incubator program tackling issues of social inequity, in particular homelessness.

Miki Takashiba

  • Graduate stories
As an analyst, my role predominately involves undertaking research, performing financial analysis, preparing presentations and building financial models.


  • Graduate stories
Since the start of my rotation I haven’t had a single day that has been the same – which is what makes work so exciting.

Nellie Gao

  • Day in the life


One thing that struck me when I joined EY PJP is that people are so happy to share their life experiences and are interested in you beyond work. It is also a fantastic opportunity to be working directly with a partner, especially as a Business Analyst.