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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
As an analyst, I crunch the data that supports the team's ideas while preparing the material we present to clients.

Christopher Harvey

  • Graduate stories
I like to think of the graduate program experience as one big learning experience, which has been my favourite part about my job – I’m continuously discovering and learning new things.

Cooper Hutchinson

  • Graduate stories
I applied to a program called Tuputoa which offers Māori and Pacific Island students internships in the summer which landed me an interview with Deloitte. Since then, I received an offer as a graduate and have now been at Deloitte for 6 months and am loving every second of it.

Daniel Masipa’u

  • Graduate stories
Aspects of internal business processes are things that my degree has given me background on, so I have supplemented my role, but it’s been more of a learning experience so far.

Danielle Pearce

  • Graduate stories
Some of the most important skills are being able to get on with people, a hunger to learn and being open to new experiences.

Daranee Bolger

  • Graduate stories
The opportunity to work closely with senior executives across a broad range of companies is a fantastic opportunity as a junior and a unique element of this job.

Dasha Moskalenko

  • Graduate stories
I love that working in Marketing can also mean collaborating with other agencies where you are exposed to new creative and insightful practices. Plus, the occasional working long lunch is always nice.

Ella Thompson

  • Day in the life

Ella Thompson

I finish off my last lot of emails, checking I have completed my high-priority tasks. I’m done for the day and log off. I head up to another floor where some of the grads are gathering to have an after-work drink. We catch up in the kitchen and chat about everyone’s day.