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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I had the chance to travel internationally, talk with business leaders and learn a range of new skills including public speaking, excel and data analysis.

Georgia Francis

  • Day in the life

Georgia Lowrey

Time to get settled into whatever work is my top priority for the day. Sitting in a ‘pod’ with my team means that we have constant support around us, which is ideal for collaborating and asking questions when needed.
  • Graduate stories
I feel extremely lucky to be working with such hardworking people who genuinely want to see me succeed.  ANZ has a great praise culture – we really value calling out those who are doing a fantastic job (and who doesn’t like being appreciated for the work that you do?!)

Georgia Lowrey

  • Day in the life

Gladine Strydom

Currently, I am in solution discovery within the design process and for this cycle we are focussing on helping our users have visibility and control over one of the most important parts of their business, their Product Catalog.
  • Graduate stories
The people are incredible. From day one, I have felt like people here have my best interests at heart and want to see me excel in my career.

Grace Cronin

  • Graduate stories
The diversity of work that is available to do is incredibly vast. No bug that needs fixing or new feature that needs adding will feel monotonous.

Gus Porter

  • Day in the life

Hailey Lee

Hailey studied Bachelor of Computer Information and Science, a double major in Software Development and Network Security at Auckland University of Technology and is now a Junior Developer at Westpac Group
  • Graduate stories
‘Kindness is in our DNA’ throughout the interview process. It became obvious from day one that this really is the truth, everyone is just so lovely!

Hamish Smith