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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
As a building review officer, it is a big responsibility since we are the ones who see those plans and make sure that all of the parts of the structure are compliant with the building code.

John Manibog

  • Day in the life

Johnny Barbarich

Johnny studied Bachelor of Sport & Recreation and Bachelor of Business majoring in management and is now a KYC Consultant at Westpac New Zealand.
  • Graduate stories
Preparing for the Graduate Program for me started during my university time. I made sure that I had previous work experience in the engineering/construction industry while studying.

Johnson Tran

  • Day in the life

Jonathon Skinner

My first job will be to collect the amended raw data from the team and calculate the new figures. I’ll use a spreadsheet I created a few months ago for this exact purpose.
  • Graduate stories
I know I have a support network that is understanding so I know I’ll never be left alone in the dark.

Jordan Mowlai

  • Graduate stories
Time management is key in order to accomplish all the necessary tasks.

Joseph Buccafurri

  • Day in the life

Joshua Murison

We have regular work group meetings to get updates on deal progress or meetings about achieving specific milestones in deals.
  • Graduate stories
Throughout my time at Jarden, I have worked with CEOs and CFOs from leading companies in a range of industries needing different solutions to complex problems.

Joshua Murison