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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 391 items

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my role is when we receive partner reporting (NZNGO reporting on activities we have funded) and I get to read about, and evaluate, the impact our funding is having at a community level.

Tara Willans

  • Day in the life

Tash Snowball-Kui

Commencing my day with coffee and a drive to the Palmerston North office, the dynamic nature of my role keeps me engaged!
  • Day in the life

Tasneem Ghazaly

Once I’ve made a to-do list for the day and checked when my meetings are, I grab my mug and start the day.
  • Day in the life

Tayla Hill

To prepare for the site work, I help the geotechnical engineer and senior engineering geologist carefully pick the borehole locations among an array of buried underground services.
  • Graduate stories
The main limitation, however, is whatever you limit yourself to. If you are willing to learn and not take things personally, then you can learn more and thrive.

Tendai Junior Munjoma

  • Graduate stories
I really enjoyed learning on the job. Putting what we had learnt into practice straight away was definitely most beneficial for me.

Teresa Kanuta

  • Graduate stories
It’s exciting to be ahead of the curve and progress renewable energy in Australia

Tessa McGahan

  • Day in the life

Tim Magele

Meeting with the billing team to discuss any urgent news about new products, changes, or couponing that need to be resolved by the end of the week.