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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Working in a new culture requires you to be agile, adaptable and to understand how to respond to new social situations. I have been able to take this experience back to Australia when working on cross-border deals with clients who are based in Hong Kong and other jurisdictions.

Joshua Banks

  • Graduate stories
Set yourself up as early as possible for your future. Take opportunities as they present themselves, make connections with people in your field, apply early and often for career starting positions.

Joshua Cunningham

  • Graduate stories
I love that I get paid to learn things and talk to people.

Joshua Evans

  • Day in the life

Joshua Evans

My work is one of these aims, as we are empowered to do specific things, such as design a program that supports retrenched workers, so the training helps me do my job.
  • Graduate stories
It makes me feel happy knowing that I have worked with a company that helps other businesses and through them, thousands of people.

Joshua McCormick

  • Day in the life

Joshua Murison

We have regular work group meetings to get updates on deal progress or meetings about achieving specific milestones in deals.
  • Graduate stories
Throughout my time at Jarden, I have worked with CEOs and CFOs from leading companies in a range of industries needing different solutions to complex problems.

Joshua Murison

  • Graduate stories
I am fortunate in my role as a WorkSafe Victoria engineer to observe the changes we make to workplaces, and know that what we do is helping Victorian workers get home safely.

Joshua Orr