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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

William Baxter

William Baxter graduated with a Bachelor of Laws/Arts (Economics & Philosophy) at the University of Queensland and is now a Graduate at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  • Day in the life

William Ha

I'll usually check if any of my changes were deployed overnight. The cool thing about here is that the software deployment process is very quick - if I make a change it can get deployed to production within the next few days.
  • Graduate stories
I think the great part about consulting is that people from any background are able to be successful in the role since problem-solving is a universal skill for any career.

William Zhang

  • Graduate stories
This role provides me with a high-level view of ongoing projects and new initiatives in the department which I find fascinating.

Wilson Yang

  • Graduate stories
The graduate program has provided us with the opportunity to experience different areas within IAG, whilst also allowing us to develop professionally.

Wing Luk

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about my job is that I am empowered to do work that is actually meaningful, both to Mastercard and for my personal growth.

Winnie Jiang

  • Graduate stories
Participate in internship programs towards the end of your degree. You gain industry experience and it puts you in a better position when applying for jobs after university

Xavier Power

  • Day in the life

Xenia Keighley

Xenia Keighley is a Graduate at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.