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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Caitlin Williams

As a graduate at the ANAO your insights are valued by others in the team. I use these meetings as an excellent learning opportunity to gain insights into others’ perspectives on analysis and on performance auditing in general.
  • Graduate stories
The best part of my job is being able to speak to people who are confused and scared about losing their investments and being able to provide them some comfort and familiarity over the process and what’s going to happen next.

Caitlyn Kelly

  • Day in the life


I have been allocated a new task that requires a review of staff working patterns across numerous groups and divisions in the agency. I open my trusty spreadsheets and work on this throughout the day between meetings.
  • Graduate stories
Throughout my time in Nulka, I feel that my favourite tasks related to applying my knowledge of hardware/software components to generate test procedures, test set-ups, reports and solutions.


  • Graduate stories
In my section, we work on setting how we will manage the biosecurity risk of travellers arriving in Australia in the future.

Callum Blake

  • Graduate stories
I’ve been able to explore different areas of the business and narrow down my preferred career path.

Callum Ramsay

  • Graduate stories
I am responsible for researching technological improvements to the Bayer Process to help the company grow and sustain our current practices locally and globally.

Calum McMulkin

  • Graduate stories
My favourite aspect of the job is that I play a key role in determining our go-to market strategy for a team of 40 sales representatives across Australia.

Calvin Lee