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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I would say I’m an intellectually curious person, so I love knowing that I can try new things, have varied and interesting work and gain exposure to a range of issues.

Christopher Notaro

  • Graduate stories
My team conducts regular analysis on a specific programme, and I assist in applying statistical techniques to our analysis.

Christopher Sewell

  • Graduate stories
Having the trust and support of PEXA to work on exciting projects is something I truly value, as I know this is not something that all graduate programs offer.

Christopher Stedman

  • Graduate stories
The job is always interesting to me, as there could always be some new technology or a new situation that we need to respond to, which means that I’m rarely bored.

Ciara Crimmins

  • Graduate stories
The program really set me up straight out of uni and made my transition out of uni and into the workforce seamless. Since commencing in the program, it has been amazing in shaping my career direction with the Queensland Government.

Ciara Morgan

  • Graduate stories
It’s important to have a vision for your career, especially since you may feel somewhat lost in the first few years after university.

Cindy Ding

  • Graduate stories
It was a steep learning curve at the start, in particular, but I am very thankful for such a great opportunity.

Cindy Duong

  • Graduate stories
My areas of responsibility involve working on various matters that are typically litigation files.

Claira Jamieson