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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Enjoy university as much as you can while you are there – you don’t get that much free time to do what you want ever again, so please treasure it.

Emily Bocking

  • Graduate stories
The Policy Futures team has been fantastic in facilitating my career direction and placed me with teams where I get to work on the type of policy that makes a lasting difference to those facing disadvantage.

Emily Cuda

  • Graduate stories
Being a Business Analyst relies on strong organisational and communication skills in order to organise and communicate software requirements to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Emily Entwistle

  • Day in the life

Emily Hull

I send the framework back to my team for a final review, it is nearly client-ready! It is great to see our work over the past 5 months taking its final form.
  • Graduate stories
Nursing is a career that allows for a lot of flexibility and movement, and there are so many different paths to take in a range of fields that enables you to experience new things but stay within the same discipline.

Emily Lockley

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy working with world-class technology and innovative people to develop the best defence capabilities. I am proud to help support the men and women who are serving to protect our nation and its interests. 

Emily Ostler

  • Day in the life

Emily Palmer

  • Day in the life

Emily Scott

It’s a Parliamentary Sitting week so I tune into the Ministerial Statements being read by the Government of the Day and Question Time. Listening to Parliament helps me know what the important issues are for the government. If there is anything that relates to my team’s work, I’ll let the rest of the team know so that we can get a head start on any requests that might come through as a result.