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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Make yourself visible by getting in touch with people to build your network within the company - book catch-ups with them and ask them about their experience at the company. If there’s something you don’t know or are unsure about, just ask; people will be always willing to help.


  • Graduate stories
Being part of a global organisation means that we get to contribute to some of the most inspiring – and challenging – projects.

Eugene Baiden Assan

  • Graduate stories
The graduate team network has empowered me to be fearless and given me the confidence to take on additional initiatives.

Evangeline Santos-Furtado

  • Day in the life

Evgenii Aleshin

I have been so lucky that all the team have been very accommodating with my questions and have taught me everything I need to know.
  • Graduate stories
I work with people from different parts of the world, including Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Korea and South East Asia. Being the embodiment of ‘multicultural’, this is something that I value and find very exciting to be able to do.

Fahima Ahmad

  • Graduate stories
It feels even better when stakeholders recognise how clear my explanation is!


  • Graduate stories

Fariza Fatima

  • Graduate stories
To be able to impact change in the field of cyber security is the coolest thing about my current job.

Fatema Hashmi