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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

George Ham

George Ham graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science at the University of Auckland in 2018 and is now working as an Established Brands Associate IBL at GSK.
  • Day in the life

Georgia Manthey

The two biggest perks of field tests for me are exploring and learning. While testing, you're thrown into the deep end, constantly learning about new technologies and how everything is interconnected.
  • Day in the life

Georgia Marwick

We have a great low-leverage model at JWS so juniors are really heavily involved.
  • Graduate stories
Almost every decision we make at IAG is influenced by our purpose. I feel like I have contributed to this in many ways through my role.

Georgia Saunders

  • Day in the life

Georgia Sheahan

Georgia Sheahan studied Agriculture Science, Major in Economics and is a Graduate at Rural Bank
  • Day in the life

Georgia Tarlinton

The IBLs have formed a community of sorts at work and it’s a positive group of people to turn to for support or a laugh. I’m thankful to have this group of friends at work, especially since we’re all experiencing similar challenges.
  • Graduate stories
One of the things I love most about my role is that I get to work across all our different brands / services including air and ocean, wharf cartage, warehousing, domestic and hazardous transportation.

Georgia Warner

  • Day in the life

Georgie Martin

Today I have the opportunity to attend an informal settlement conference with one of the Senior Associates in my team. These are a really good opportunity to see the parties in action, and it’s great when a settlement is reached.