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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Harry O'Reilly

Days vary as a consultant depending on the project I am working on. I have discovered I am most productive in the morning, so I tend to block out time to get a head start on my tasks for the day, unless there’s any meetings booked during this time.
  • Graduate stories
The locals I met during the village visits and about the town we lived in gave me such a different understanding of the world – it was a great contrast to my suburban life and really grounded me in reality.

Harry Roach

  • Graduate stories
My team helps the department facilitate the collection of Australian schools data to better empower decision making from both a policy and funding perspective.

Harry Shield

  • Day in the life

Hashira Weerawardana

Currently, we're in the early stages of a cost transformation project for a major telco client. I'm finalizing a Baseline model for their cost base to identify opportunities for cost benefits.
  • Graduate stories
I thoroughly enjoy working with the Sales & Marketing teams, producing quantitative data analysis that is used as supporting documentation in client meetings.

Hasreen Kaur

  • Graduate stories
As a project manager, having experience in managing people provides opportunities to gain more responsibility and/or move into a different area of the solution delivery lifecycle.

Haydee de Silva

  • Day in the life

Hayden D’Addona

My main objective today is to begin modeling an earth grid for a high-voltage substation.
  • Day in the life

Hayden Keers

There’s always a selection of devices available for me to test on, and loading code onto a device is a something I regularly get to do.