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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Student Stories
I am now a Senior Marketing Coordinator, started as a marketing assistant, then marketing coordinator.

Jade Brown

  • Graduate stories
As a graduate you need to be open to learning a lot of new things and trying things even if you don’t think you will enjoy them.

Jade Doyle

  • Student Stories
I am studying here at the ANU, Crawford School with the Australia Awards Scholarship.

Jahidul Islam

  • Graduate stories
The knowledge and financial skills I’m learning at work are directly translatable to my life outside work, which I consider to be a great bonus!

Jai Sartori

  • Graduate stories
I created an automated solution to solve an existing business problem, and it certainly didn't go unnoticed. I got to present my idea to our Senior Executive.

Jake Keenan

  • Graduate stories
My tasks included booking in clients for meetings and preparing for those meetings. I also write Statements of Advice that are personalised advice documents for our clients.

Jake Mounfield

  • Day in the life

Jake St Mart

Interacting with leaders all over the world can be daunting at first, but once you go through a few of these you’ll get the hang of it! Awesome exposure too!
  • Day in the life

Jakob Schulz

Graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) and is on his way to completing a PhD in Plant Science with the University of Adelaide. He is now currently working in a role that supports critical infrastructure requirements for remote communities across Australia.