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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Alexandra Vassiadis

My role is to update the slide pack with any recent safety alerts sent from other Thiess sites or our client, our monthly safety performance and a list of incidents from the last seven days.
  • Graduate stories
I work in a team that monitors and analyses regional and overall labour market trends and their implications for different job seeker cohorts.

Alfred Cook

  • Graduate stories
Any candidate with a proactive attitude willing to get the best out of others will go a long way to achieving success in my role.

Ali Bulbul

  • Graduate stories
I love the work environment of the mine, being able to come together with the teams I work with to solve problems and find opportunities, and of course, seeing the problem solved or the opportunity realised.

Ali Honarmand

  • Graduate stories
Don’t pigeon hole yourself into a particular practice area of law. There are so many options as a lawyer, so keep an open-mind and challenge yourself.


  • Graduate stories
I value CommBank’s approach to practical on-the-job learning. I’ve had the ability to apply the communications and creative problem-solving skills that I learnt at uni, to what I’m working on in the real world.


  • Graduate stories
I generally work in a team, working with more senior lawyers in the group. But I also am very well supported and supervised to take on more responsibility on smaller matters.

Alice Alexander

  • Graduate stories
There is a tension between conceptual purity and pragmatic implementation of statistics that must be negotiated and interpreted by the analyst, which I find both challenging and interesting.

Alice Batcheldor