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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Johanna McNicoll

Johanna McNicoll studied ​a Master of Marketing Communication ​at The University of Melbourne in 2017, and is now an Innovation Projects Assistant at 7-Eleven Australia.
  • Graduate stories
I manage the day-to-day operation of a trading strategy and look to analyse the performance of the strategy and seek to expand and develop it into the future.

John Baker

  • Graduate stories
I looked for programs that looked interesting and would provide diverse challenges so I could get a taste for what I enjoyed and what I was good at.  This is exactly what the Swire program turned out to be!

John Fox

  • Day in the life

John Manibog

When I arrive to work, I usually check my emails if any of the clients responded to the RFIs (Request for Information) that I sent them. Also, I check my daily report on the task that needs to be done or prioritised.
  • Graduate stories
As a building review officer, it is a big responsibility since we are the ones who see those plans and make sure that all of the parts of the structure are compliant with the building code.

John Manibog

  • Career Mentors
There is rarely a perfect trade or a right answer in most situations I face, but sometimes opportunities arise where I am able to utilize all of my training and experience to make a split-second decision that could result in a big payout.

John Qian

  • Graduate stories
Thanks to Woodside’s flexible working arrangements, managing different time zones is considerably less challenging.

John Tawo

  • Graduate stories
Understand there are hundreds of ways to reach your end goal – so don’t be disheartened if you face a roadblock along the way. Keep researching and keep soldiering on as this hard work and determination will definitely be realised.

John Wu