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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 541 items

  • Graduate stories

Alison Malek

  • Day in the life

Alyson Spencer

After dropping off, I head to work. I’m usually in by 8, which means it's time for toast and a cup of tea. While I enjoy this, I chat with our other early birds and set myself up at my desk. I sort through emails and write out an agenda for my day, which helps me stay on track and lets me know if I need to hunt for more work!
  • Graduate stories
Whatever your experiences, the key thread between them is kindness, a 'want' to learn and commitment to honing your abilities.

Amarind Eng

  • Graduate stories
During my time as a paralegal and clerk, I worked with some great people and really liked the culture of the firm, so at the end of the process, I knew this was the firm I wanted to work at. 

Amaryllis Tian

  • Graduate stories
The interesting nature of the work definitely outweighs any limitations!

Amelia McLuskie

  • Graduate stories
"Aku sebagai intern diberikan benefit yang menarik yaitu akses belajar ke courses gratis di platform e-learning."

Amirah Meuthia Dahlan

  • Graduate stories
The coolest parts of my job are the chances to learn and interact with such a diverse group of clients and colleagues.

Ammellia Fu

  • Graduate stories
FTI has a great Graduate Development Program, providing graduates with a range of specific training sessions and opportunities to enhance their technical skills and knowledge.

Amy Dalton