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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
You are an adviser, a counsellor, a cheerleader, a boundary-setter, and on any given day you can be both the best and worst person in the world (if your students had any say, that is!).

Amanda Neilson

  • Day in the life

Anna Toh

When I have the chance to catch up with my supervisor, we review my goals and assess where my help is needed for the day.
  • Day in the life

Brooke Carter

I find that communication between supervisors and other interns is great for keeping the workflow smooth.
  • Day in the life

James Sinnamon

I always try and start the workday with a plan formulation. Today I hope to get out to a few places and have a look at a few Mungbean paddocks that have been sprayed or are going to be sprayed.
  • Graduate stories
Nous largely looks at your ability to think in a structured way, draw out key findings from data (qualitative and quantitative), and communicate insights in a clear and compelling way for clients (usually through PowerPoint or Word).

Joseph Nguyen

  • Day in the life

Stephanie Nomikos

We're in the due diligence phase of a deal that we've been working on, so I'm preparing the Legal Due Diligence Report.
  • Graduate stories
I am directly accessing parts of the network that impact the customer, results of the changes I make can be immediately seen and felt.

Aanchal Bharadwaj

  • Graduate stories
I never thought I'd work at a household name like Unilever – from growing up with brands like Paddle Pop and Dove to now contributing to their success, it truly feels that life has come full circle.

Aanya Jain