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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The programme gives you the chance to try so many different roles that you wouldn’t get to normally do.

Bhavish Kumar

  • Graduate stories
The programme gives you the chance to try so many different roles that you wouldn’t get to normally do.

Bhavish Kumar

  • Graduate stories
The workplace culture at Stats NZ was very welcoming, even when it was busy, the people are calm and relaxed.  Stats NZ has a wonderful work environment.

Blessing Tioa

  • Graduate stories
The workplace culture at Stats NZ was very welcoming, even when it was busy, the people are calm and relaxed.  Stats NZ has a wonderful work environment.

Blessing Tioa

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy going into the ships and learning more about how electrical drawings are practically implemented in ships.

Blessy Roy

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy going into the ships and learning more about how electrical drawings are practically implemented in ships.

Blessy Roy

  • Graduate stories
The coolest part of my job is being part of a company that helps our Navy defend, protect, and serve our country by making sure their ships and submarines are in their optimal state.

Bobby Punjabi

  • Graduate stories
The coolest part of my job is being part of a company that helps our Navy defend, protect, and serve our country by making sure their ships and submarines are in their optimal state.

Bobby Punjabi

  • Graduate stories
One thing that drew me to applying for the graduate programme at Contact is that they offer specialised work in some very unique places. For me, the ability to live in Central Otago on the Clutha River comes with the benefits of skiing, biking, surfing, hiking, all in some very sweet scenery. 

Brayden Courtney

  • Graduate stories
One thing that drew me to applying for the graduate programme at Contact is that they offer specialised work in some very unique places. For me, the ability to live in Central Otago on the Clutha River comes with the benefits of skiing, biking, surfing, hiking, all in some very sweet scenery. 

Brayden Courtney

  • Graduate stories
I love being surrounded by such an enthusiastic team who are motivated to make change in the transport system, and this inspires me every day to keep advocating for change.

Breanna Greaney

  • Graduate stories
I love being surrounded by such an enthusiastic team who are motivated to make change in the transport system, and this inspires me every day to keep advocating for change.

Breanna Greaney

  • Graduate stories
As a Sales Engineer, one becomes to be a touch point and support for customers, for the sales team, and for Honeywell engineers.

Bridget Pyc

  • Graduate stories
As a Sales Engineer, one becomes to be a touch point and support for customers, for the sales team, and for Honeywell engineers.

Bridget Pyc

  • Graduate stories
The undoubted highlight of the Career Compass Program is having the opportunity to speak with a diverse group of people who were so passionate about their roles but the EY organisation.

Caitlan Howle

  • Graduate stories
The undoubted highlight of the Career Compass Program is having the opportunity to speak with a diverse group of people who were so passionate about their roles but the EY organisation.

Caitlan Howle