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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Nous largely looks at your ability to think in a structured way, draw out key findings from data (qualitative and quantitative), and communicate insights in a clear and compelling way for clients (usually through PowerPoint or Word).

Joseph Nguyen

  • Day in the life

Abbey White

  • Graduate stories
The coolest part of my job is the level of responsibility and autonomy I have in completing my work. A lot of the work I have undertaken has a direct effect on taxpayers, and my decisions are trusted and enforced.

Abbie Moriarty

  • Graduate stories
Deloitte is full of some of the brightest minds, each with different skill sets which when combined creates a diverse and powerful team.

Adam Clark

  • Career Mentors
Embrace every day and approach each challenge with vigor, as it is never as hard as you first think.

Adrian McNulty

  • Day in the life

Ahmad Siddiqi

My job as an engineer is to help get a design as close to perfect as possible.
  • Day in the life

Aimee Foster

I join to head to the client meeting rooms to attend my first Extraordinary General Meeting to pass a capital raising capacity resolution. We get to speak to the board and senior executives of the company and watch the voting. Wonderfully, it passes.
  • Graduate stories
The other aspect of my job is the ability to look over the whole supply chain from mine to ship within Mineral Resources and that gives me a sense of being impactful, which helps me stay motivated.

Alec Parsons