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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 102 items

  • Day in the life

Abbey White

  • Day in the life

Ahmad Siddiqi

My job as an engineer is to help get a design as close to perfect as possible.
  • Day in the life

Aimee Foster

I join to head to the client meeting rooms to attend my first Extraordinary General Meeting to pass a capital raising capacity resolution. We get to speak to the board and senior executives of the company and watch the voting. Wonderfully, it passes.
  • Day in the life

Alex Brown

The opportunity to do pro bono work and help vulnerable members of the community is a really rewarding part of my role at Ashurst, so I always make sure to put my hand up to help out when I have the capacity.
  • Day in the life

Alexandra Galea

Alexandra Galea graduated with a Double Degree in Arts and Commerce at Monash University and is now an Australia Retail and Commercial Graduate at ANZ in the Inclusion Australia Team.
  • Day in the life

Alice Colquhoun

Alice Colquhoun studied a Bachelor of Law at the University of Queensland and is now a Law Graduate at Johnson Winter Slattery.
  • Day in the life

Alice Johnson

Alice Johnson studied Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and is a Lawyer at Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
  • Day in the life

Allyana Trajano

The training at the ATO is wonderful as it offers a great opportunity for on-the-job learning and further developing my skillset.