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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life


You get to meet all sorts of people from directors, to executives, to contractors and every case is different. We talk with the Insured and understand what went wrong in order to provide them the best possible outcome.
  • Day in the life

Andrew Banks

Andrew Banks studied a Bachelor of Arts with a Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University and is now working as a Lawyer - Pro Bono & Community at Hall & Wilcox.
  • Day in the life

Angelina Yurlova

Angelina Yurlova studied Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts and is a Lawyer at Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
  • Day in the life

Angelo Delos Trino

Working style is to allow the juniors to have a first crack at finance documents and then sit with them and provide direct feedback. I find it valuable to be able to do a page-turn and immediately ask and pick the brain of a seasoned finance lawyer then and there.
  • Day in the life

Anika Nirmalathas

This morning, I’m going to update some internal ratings for customers, which is a measure of their risk profile and the likelihood of default.
  • Day in the life

Ankur Atri

Ankur Atri studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Western Australia and is now a Consultant in Engineering, Asset Management & Project Delivery (Infrastructure, Assets and Places) at KPMG.
  • Day in the life

Anthony Baggetta

A great part about being at Woodside as well as in Project Function is that there is always work to be done and opportunities to get involved in. I’ve had the opportunities to deliver within the Projects Inclusions and Diversity team spreading awareness of International Women’s Day and pushing a great photo competition, a submission by my colleagues and me can be seen below.
  • Day in the life

Belinda Hardiman

Belinda Hardiman completed a Bachelor of Communication Design & Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at Monash University and is now a Digital Graduate at Coles.