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Monash Law School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 34 items

  • Graduate stories
Nous largely looks at your ability to think in a structured way, draw out key findings from data (qualitative and quantitative), and communicate insights in a clear and compelling way for clients (usually through PowerPoint or Word).

Joseph Nguyen

  • Day in the life

Ahmad Siddiqi

My job as an engineer is to help get a design as close to perfect as possible.
  • Day in the life

Alexandra Vassiadis

My role is to update the slide pack with any recent safety alerts sent from other Thiess sites or our client, our monthly safety performance and a list of incidents from the last seven days.
  • Student Stories
My dream is to get my masters degree as well as my license as an architect, and one day would be able to travel around the world and be as involved in many international projects as I can.

Amanda Lau

  • Day in the life

Amy James

As a Systems Engineer, it is important for me to keep up to date with everything happening in my systems of responsibility, so I can provide support where needed.
  • Graduate stories
I really love the parts of my job where I can interact with customers through talking about their farms and businesses, as I love hearing other people’s ideas and getting to know what does and doesn’t work in the farming and business side of things.

Annabelle Plunkett

  • Graduate stories
The people you work with, but also feeling you are positively contributing to your clients, who in my case are predominately hard-working farmers

Annie Matthews

  • Student Stories
I hope to get a graduate degree and use what I have learned to create products or services that meet social values.

Ao Xiang