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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Explore Allens - Sydney

Event expired

What does a commercial lawyer actually do? As you weigh up your clerkship options, we invite you to join us in our offices to understand what a typical day looks like for an Allens lawyer.

Event Details

Mon 3 Jun 2024, 2:00pm
Mon 3 Jun 2024, 4:00pm
Time Zone
126 Phillip St Sydney NSW 2000

We'll talk you through the career journey of a commercial lawyer and provide the opportunity to meet and network with our people.

This event is open to penultimate year law students and will take place in our Sydney office on June 3, from 2-4pm.   

Please register your interest via the form on our website. Note that places are limited and registering your interest does not confirm attendance. The Early Careers team will be in touch to confirm your place.

We look forward to meeting you. For any queries, please contact our Early Careers team at Student.Careers@allens.com.au.