A lot of training opportunities are provided in-house as well as through encouraging staff to pursue third-party training which they can be reimbursed for.
Senior Consultant, Sydney - 05 Mar 2024
induction in melbourne, put in a nice hotel and flown down. was nice, was a quick induction to company history, culture and ambition.
Graduate, Canberra - 04 Mar 2024
Flown to onboarding training in Melbourne. Followed by passport training and the consulting challenge. All very straightforward, picked up various networking skills
Graduate, Canberra - 04 Mar 2024
Plethora of internal and external trainings available for free.
Regular catchups with career advisors and engagement managers to help provide you with the trainings you would like to aim towards.
Senior Consultant, Sydney - 27 Feb 2024
Everything you learn for engagements, you learn from your peers. There is no formalised training for what your job is and how to execute.
The formal challenge programs are good but would benefit from being in-person across all levels. The false promise of in-person training programs for all new hires is disappointing because it is not accurate.
Manager, Canberra - 23 Feb 2024
There is minimal informal/on the job training (outside of corporate e-learns). This could be improved, the expectation is that staff put time into developing and conducting training in their personal time. There is little to no appetite to allow time for this during paid hours due. Resourcing constraints experienced in the last 12 months have also reduced the amount of on the job training that can be provided which has resulted in significant knowledge gaps in junior staff as there is an attitude to 'just get the work done'.
Manager, Brisbane - 23 Feb 2024
In your graduate onboarding, you have 3 weeks of training which is across all of APAC. This is a great chance to get to know the other grads. After this, much of the training is on-the-job, however you often are invited to "breakfast and learns" to upskill in specific areas.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Feb 2024
All my skills have been picked up on the job. I think junior staff would benefit from more practical training in areas such as data analytics etc. Most of the training I have seen is online and heavily theoretical.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Feb 2024
Protiviti engages employees in many in-house training initiatives through breakfast/lunch and learns that are meant to give employees a little exposure to something and encourages them to look into it further if they are interested. Mandatory trainings are also very engaging and learning through collaboration is very much prioritised
Consultant, Sydney - 20 Feb 2024
We had 2-4 weeks of training when starting which helped me understand how the company works and who to contact for help.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Feb 2024
It was above average, however I have been involved with graduate on-boarding and the majority of the reliance of training was on the mentor rather than HR/managers and up.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Feb 2024
As a graduate there were multiple trainings such as onboarding, passport to protiviti and the consulting challenge which were great ways to learn the work I will be doing and what Protiviti stands for.
There is also regular online training on the Protiviti intranet website for employees to ensure we are informed of policy/regulatory changes.
Breakfast and Learn lessons are organised by the Learning and Development lead to expand on skills that may interest employees.
Graduate, Sydney - 21 Nov 2023
I was given sufficient training before starting work which i appreciated
Graduate, Sydney - 21 Nov 2023
If you have the relevant background, most things are common knowledge. The specified training was much more useful than the generic mandatory training.
Graduate, Canberra - 20 Nov 2023
Graduate, Canberra - 20 Nov 2023
Really engaging content and clear pathways and certifications with regular less formal B&L's.
Consultant, Sydney - 20 Nov 2023
Challenge schools
On-the job informal training - learn the most through this
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
Formal training is great! There are many opportunities provided to us. However, not having a consistent manager slows down the process for improvement. I highly recommend having allocated managers for perhaps a 6-month period rotation, where you are only on their engagements where possible. Advisors can only help so far. Boots on the ground to support the learning and development is much better. If a manager knows they will have this person for an extended period, then they will be more inclined to invest in the employee's development as opposed to palm them off to the next manager and hope someone else puts in the time to train them
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
There should be some more comprehensive onboarding training
Graduate, Canberra - 04 Feb 2019
There is a formal Consulting Challenge, which is a week of introduction and training for new hires. This is usually held in the States. Alongside this there is are also periodic training events and a plethora of learning material on our Protiviti University site.
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Jan 2019