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ACCIONA Australia and New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Thomas Fuller

Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) at RMIT University

After I conducted all the PIT, I began working on collating the Quality Assurance (QA) documentation for our upcoming areas that are about to be piled. This involves creating a spreadsheet with information such as the pile ID, pile diameter, drill depth & concrete volume to name a few metrics.

5.00 AM

Before starting my workday, I love to go to the gym to start my day off right. I get up at 5.00 am on the dot and I am out the door by 5.15 am to be ready to get into the class by 5.25 am.

5.30 AM

I go to the gym franchise Body Fit Training and today’s class was Cardio Summit which is always a favourite of mine because it burns the most calories, and you always feel amazing after the class – no better way physically and mentally to start before going to work.

7.00 AM

The commute from home to the site is a short trip (15 minutes) which gives me plenty of leeway after the gym to get to prestart. Prestart is where the client (SPA) will go over the plan of work for the day for each sub-contractor, previous day's works, any safety or other issues that need to be discussed and finish with a stretch to get all the workers limber for a good daywork.

7.30 AM

When I first get to the site, I make a black coffee to get the day started. Today in particular I knew I had a short timeframe to conduct Pile Integrity Testing (PIT) on 16 piles as the steel fixers for the capping beam was planned to start at 9.00 am. The purpose of PIT is to collect data through acceleration to reveal any changes in the cross-section of the pile, such as cracks and voids.

Acciona - Thomas Fuller - Site

9.30 AM

After I conducted all the PIT, I began working on collating the Quality Assurance (QA) documentation for our upcoming areas that are about to be piled. This involves creating a spreadsheet with information such as the pile ID, pile diameter, drill depth & concrete volume to name a few metrics. These are all required for the site supervisors on site to ensure that they are meeting the design requirements for each pile.

11.30 AM

Once the QA has been completed, printed and laminated I make my way back onto site to check the productivity of the work on site and to assist with any questions or information that the supervisors on site may require. We are currently operating 2 piling rigs in 2 separate zones so I will first go the Zone 6, check on the productivity or any potential delays like slow concrete supply or issues with the piling rig and answer or cage or pile related queries the workers on site might need and will swiftly make my way to the other zone and repeat the same.

Acciona - Thomas Fuller - Site with supervisor

12.30 AM

Lunchtime! I have recently started the Bodyfit 8-week challenge where we are given a nutrition plan on top of the exercise program. On today’s menu was a Thai chicken meatball vermicelli salad.

1.30 PM

As today is a Monday we have our weekly meeting with the client (SPA) where we talk about the past weeks piling production and our future program. Here we will go over safety, production, what’s working well, what needs improving and the solutions required to fix what’s not working. We will discuss our current program and current production for the past week and see if it’s still on track with the previous program and will have a look at the forecasted program for the upcoming weeks and months. We will also discuss any quality issues that may have risen or if any quality documentation needs to be submitted.

3.00 PM

After the meeting I had to compile the piling rig data into an excel to create my report. This process involves going through a program affiliated with the piling rig and cross checking our theoretical data with our practical data and note any discrepancies between the two.

Acciona - Thomas Fuller - work

4.30 PM

Nearing completion of the day I will make my last trip around to the 2 rigs to check on the production for the day. Here I talk with the site supervisors and note down the pile numbers that we did for the day, any unexpected delays or any potential issues with production and to have a general catch up on the day’s work and talk about the plan for tomorrow. After my routine check up on production is done, I will close off all the day’s work, finalize my notes for the day so I have record of what’s occurred throughout the day to be able to cross reference in the future.

5.30 PM

After finishing up for the day I will begin my commute back home which takes between 20-30 minutes depending on the traffic for the evening.

6.30 PM

Monday nights means I have my regular futsal where I play between Richmond, South Yarra & South Melbourne and is a great social activity to do during the week.

8.30 PM

Once I get home from futsal, I eat dinner and go to bed in preparation to do it all again tomorrow.

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