Updating Results


  • 100 - 500 employees

RCP Reviews

Based on 10 surveyed graduates working at RCP. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 10 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • I love the company culture. I do feel cared about here and that people want to help me when I need it. I have been offered much support (including well-being), typically above and beyond, for various things I've needed help with, and I am very grateful. I love the office itself, it's in a great location and I am grateful for large computer screens and standing desks, as well as a great social/kitchen area. I am proud to work for RCP. I met a QS by chance at a personal event a few months ago, and upon telling him that I work for RCP his eyes widened and he told me that was his dream job. It feels good to work for an industry leader.
  • I work in a smaller office which has given me significant learning opportunities, and the ability to be really involved in managing projects and RCP is supporting me while I do some post-graduate studies through Auckland University.
  • Great senior management/leadership guidance with a focus on your personal career development. Good age range - a lot of other graduates/interns and people within the 'young' age range. Regular social events /internal networking opportunities. Regular education/learning events to keep you updated and informed on the Company's processes as well as industry news. Company has a wide variety of projects (infrastructure, healthcare, commercial, residential) and offers advisory services that you have potential to be resourced on. Projects the company wins/bids on are larger and high scale projects - good opportunities/for your CV.
  • The People - everyone is so welcoming and knowledgeable, always willing to help. Social Events - lots of fun social activities Learning Events - opportunities to upskill and learn from specialists No day is ever the same.
  • RCP is a very accommodating workplace. I have been lucky enough to work on lots of different projects around Christchurch and I have learnt lots of new skills and knowledge about the industry. I have been able to work flexible hours that fit in with my university studies as well as working full time when I am on break. The other people in my office are friendly and welcoming and always make an effort with me.
  • Working part-time along with study can be difficult if you are not assigned to as many projects as when you are working full-time, it results in having less work to do.
  • For a non-drinker, there is a heavy drinking culture (standard for the construction industry), which is not always the most enjoyable.
  • Nothing in particular - could do more activities that involve collaboration of the intern cohort.
  • I can't think of any negatives about working at RCP. The only thing that can be challenging is finding a carpark as the office is in the centre of the city. Other than that, everything is great!
  • Depending on your project team structure, some are better/worse at providing guidance on procedure and process. Sometimes it can feel like you're thrown in the deep end. Majority of your role is learning on the job (which I do like), but it would be helpful if there was either a guidance book/intro education module on what 'project management' is, our roles, as well as general project life structure (phases e.g. Business Case, Design, Construction, Post completion/hand over).

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Good - from what I have seen, many have worked their way up and Performance & Development Reviews are a good way that help and encourage this through goal setting and self-reflection.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
RCP participates in social improvement activates like community service, volunteering and supporting local initiatives. For instance some of these initiatives included involvement in 0800 Hungry, The PJ Project, STOP, Octacan, and many more other initiatives.
I love the culture in my office. I feel that it is an appropriate level of laid back where everyone still works hard but has fun and can speak comfortably in free time. The out-of-hours social events are always fun and varied. Although I'm not entirely there yet, I am starting to feel more so part of the whanau and a solid, permanent member of the team. I like that the seniors and directors sit among us and aren't separate. We all socialise and I don't often feel much pressing sense of hierarchy. I also feel comfortable calling upon a good range of people with help or cooperation, and I do feel like we are all a team.
RCP's commitment to diversity is immense, celebrating diversity events such as International Women's Day, Pink Shirt Day, and many other events prioritizing different communities and minorities. RCP implements maternity leave and childcare policies, with a significant amount of anti-bullying and diversity programs.
Contract Administration (e.g. reviewing RFIs and issuing Contract Instructions, Reviewing and Preparing consultant variation recommendations). Preparing project reports. Reviewing and approving consultant invoices. Issuing Payment Schedules. Following up on Client, Consultant, and Contractor responsibilities/deliverables. Risk identification and management. Chair meetings/meeting minutes. Review issues against contracts and utilize contract mechanisms. Assist the Engineer's representative.
Amazing - I am fortunate to have an amazing mentor who makes work fun and pushes me to learn more and challenge myself.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
The company office space in Auckland is modern, with a dedicated "lunch area" with two large tables to ensure that everyone is able to gather and socialise during breaks, or just watch sports on the large TV screens. A cafe is located downstairs with the ability to quickly head down and grab something from the cabinet or a quick coffee. A mini-fridge with soft drinks is provided for employees as well, as well as alcoholic beverages for Friday drinks. The dress code is kept as formal work attire, ensuring you look presentable. The emphasis is placed on ensuring that you look presentable, which leads to more people opting for pants and a button up shirt, with casual Friday's drawing a couple more sweaters and sneakers from people.
I had my first interview in which I was asked question about myself and the interviewers explained what my role would be / day to day tasks. I was called in for a second interview which was held with a different interviewer. This was generally the same questions. They made these interviews more comfortable by making it feel more as a conversation.
For coming straight out of polytechnic I find I am satisfied with my pay. The company has many subsidies and perks which are great e.g. fitness subsidy, taxi/uber for work functions.
RCP has a substantial amount of training and development programs, putting on online training events one-two times a week, along with an enormous library of learning and training videos, there videos consists of project management specific, specialist, cultural, technology, environmental, and a vast range of other key skills. Mentoring is immensely encouraged within RCP, along with yearly performance and development reviews ensuring continuous improvement of each employee.
Work Hours
Work Hours
As a current student, I have flexibility around my hours as long as these are communicated with my direct supervisor beforehand. Whether this be through taking a break during the semester breaks or reduced hours during busy assignments and exam periods, the flexibility is ensured as long as there is communication.
RCP is commitment to sustainability is considerable and growing, with its allocated environmental committee consistently updating the organization with any important news and initiatives to implement.